

Roofing company optimizes vehicle fleet: reduction of more than 2 million euros

The vehicle fleet of our client, a roofing company in the middle of the country, counts about 250 cars. For sixteen years this was in 'good' hands with a renowned car leasing company. The costs amounted to 2.9 million euros annually. After intervention by BVO & Partners, exactly the same vehicle fleet was budgeted for less than 2.5 million euros per year; a reduction of more than 2 million euros over the entire term, while the contract and conditions have improved considerably.

Too good of trust...a costly mistake
In the former situation, for example, hardly any file creation took place, there were no clear price agreements for replacement and pre-departure cars, the client had no insight into purchasing agreements with dealer networks and damage was charged on without limit. Nevertheless, our client was satisfied...
After BVO & Partners had re-described the package of requirements, at the request of our client, the old lease company was also given the opportunity to make an offer. What turned out to be: the same fleet, but now tons cheaper... Definitely confronting after sixteen years of 'partnership'.

PLA and SLA arranged
Meanwhile, our client is working to full satisfaction - but now rightly so - with one new leasing company, which has set up a good administrative organization and provides our client with useful management information. In addition, agreements have been made with regard to pre-deployment cars and temporary cars. The new lease company no longer plays a role in negotiations with the dealer (networks) and damage tax has been capped. In addition, a market conformity clause has been stipulated. All negotiation results are laid down in a Product Level Agreement. The administrative obligations are included in a Service Level Agreement. We have also made agreements with damage repair companies and insurers on behalf of our client.

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