Car fleet management

Car fleet management

Leasing companies lead the way

A fleet of a few dozen cars quickly means half a FTE on the payroll for daily management. While cars are not part of your core business at all! Quite right that you prefer to leave this to the leasing company. However, this is primarily a bank; a powerful financial institution with very different interests than yours. Providers of money in exchange for much more money, without the need to take over your worries, unless you're willing to pay more money. Lease structures are complex and costly, without you knowing exactly what you are paying for and how much you are ultimately paying for; during the runtime all kinds of things happen. And above all, you run a lot of risks.

Get out of the traffic jam of ignorance
Outsourcing yes, but with knowledge of the facts. Because car lease costs, given their amount, often have a major impact on the final net result of your company. You can really lease exactly the same fleet of cars much cheaper and on much better terms if you put BVO & Partners at the steering wheel.
Less is more

Unlike the banks, we actually see company cars in a mix of cost control, employee benefits, environmental impact and process execution. A really good car scheme keeps your employees mobile at all times, without you having to worry about it or being chased by all kinds of personal wishes. Simplicity, completeness and unequivocalness are key concepts in this. Optimization thus. Real costs and easy management. The latter requires commitment of the internal organization for agreements made. After all, a lot of time is lost guiding employees in choosing, ordering and having their lease car delivered. Partly for this reason, we shift this responsibility entirely to the leasing company. This company takes care of all handling, informs the drivers during the year about all occurring matters and handles the settlement of damages. You will get the convenience of a representative fleet, your leasing company the assignment to provide you.

"Give suppliers absolute responsibility, but always keep control."

Catering BVO

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