STOP overpayment right now
We have been realizing significant cost savings for many large and smaller organizations for almost 30 years! Our guarantee: you only pay if your cost reduction is a fact! A nice promise, but why do organizations pay too much and what will BVO & Partners do differently?
The biggest problems we encounter with our clients have to do with no or bad contracts and a lack of adequate management. >>>>>
A building is not a technical block box
The importance of decent housing will not easily be discussed. All the more so about maintenance and maintenance costs.
For one organization the building is a business card, for another a necessary accommodation for the business. What binds both is the need for proper maintenance and compliance with government regulations. Moreover, a building is a capital investment that deserves adequate maintenance under all economic circumstances.>>>>>
Business cleaning is a profession
Imagine for a moment what happens when your premises are not cleaned for two weeks. Disturbances are the result among staff and your customers. So we agree that remediating on cleaning is not an option. Then it's just a matter of determining the right price for the desired cleaning quality and concluding that contract. >>>>>
Hiring employees is purely people-to-measure work
For the recruitment and selection of new colleagues, organizations like to pull out all the stops to complete the team. Strangely enough, temporary workers are usually seen as a commodity; as bulk goods at a competitive price. And that cries out for competition between temping agencies. One is profiling itself as a specialist in your sector, the other is profiling itself in your customer-specific needs. But what really benefits you? >>>>>
Leasing companies lead the way
A fleet of a few dozen cars quickly means half a FTE on the payroll for daily management. While cars are not part of your core business at all! Quite right that you prefer to leave this to the leasing company. However, this is primarily a bank; a powerful financial institution with very different interests than yours. Providers of money in exchange for much more money, without the need to take over your worries, unless you're willing to pay more money. Leasing structures are complex and costly, without you knowing exactly what you are paying for and how much you are ultimately paying for. >>>>>
From canteen to lunch experience
Whereas 10 years ago a Christmas gift was the way to show employees appreciation towards the end of the year, nowadays there is a company party going on every day in the company restaurant. Catering is no longer a typical cheese sandwich, but revolves around a complete experience of sustainable, honest, healthy and tasty. Eating, relaxing, meeting and above all enjoying together. A next development is the influence of European legislation; think about hygiene (HACCP), environment and accessibility. >>>>>
Processing waste does not mean throwing money away
Waste does not exist, is often argued. Fine, we can go along with that. But that does not mean that it will be collected from you free of charge for processing. On the contrary, under pressure from the government you are obliged to do more and more to reduce the environmental burden. With countless waste processors and even more separation solutions as a result. And increasing costs for you. More different containers, emptying times, processing, transport and temporary storage that also vary per month and per region.>>>>>
Security has taken on a new dimension
Over the last 20 years, security has become a much more comprehensive concept than ever before. In fact, we can speak of a completely new dimension that has been added to a familiar concept. Since various (terrorist) attacks and the advent of cybercrime, we cannot and must not ignore its risks. Think, for example, of the drastically tightened measures at airports; packing something as simple as a toiletry bag has suddenly become quite an affair. >>>>>
Management after implementation by BVO & Partners
Would you prefer to outsource contract management after implementation? That is possible!
Besides interest in our smart and distinctive vision, we see an increasing interest in integral contract management among our customers. BVO & Partners is your tactical partner, if you choose to do so. After we have implemented one or more new contracts for you based on our customer-focused vision, you can also leave the management to us if you wish. >>>>>