
AKZO Nobel

Listed company should save 500 million

A global player had set itself the goal of saving 500 million euros. In search of possibilities, she filled out various quick scan questionnaires via our website: cleaning maintenance, technical maintenance and site maintenance. After a thorough assessment within our agency, site maintenance was dropped; on the other two, BVO & Partners undertook further research. The existing cleaning maintenance appeared to contain excessive costs. The hourly rates and the number of hours used were not in line with the market. However, the contract had only recently been entered into and had been concluded for a longer period of time. Therefore, BVO & Partners, in consultation with the client, decided to focus on technical maintenance.

Excessive costs painfully exposed
BVO & Partners initiated the process, in which all technology was meticulously mapped out. This turned out to be another eye-opener for our client. It turned out that there were installations present that the client was unaware of. And this was not entirely unimportant. In the past, due to a lack of knowledge of this 'hidden' technique, various malfunctions remained unsolved. After drawing up the tender documents, our client supplied five parties for the new maintenance contract, including the existing 'main contractor'. Entirely according to our pre-calculation, the various quotations showed considerable cost savings. Also with the current supplier.

A drop in the ocean? But a valuable one!
With a considerable annual cost reduction, our client was able to achieve the necessary cost savings, at least in terms of maintenance. Moreover, the fact that contract management would cost much less energy and time - and therefore money - was a great win.

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