Head office management chooses BVO
The management at the head office had by now become convinced of the possibilities within various other locations. Agreements were made with BVO & Partners to 'pick up and connect' other branches in phases, so that from now on an unambiguous vision on maintenance and cleaning within the group was used. This resulted in much less internal hassle, significant reduction of energy in the administrative organization and, of course, substantial and structural cost reductions.
Contract management by BVO
In order to prevent that within the different locations individuals could unconsciously give their own twist to the provisions of the chosen vision, BVO has taken on the contract management. These management activities relate to qualitative and quantitative conditions, the administrative organization, control and communication with regard to the contractually agreed rights and obligations of the client. In short, BVO & Partners plans the operational activities on behalf of the client and ensures that they are carried out and recorded administratively. In other words, relief 2.0.